Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (acronym TENS) is the use of electric current produced by a device to stimulate the nerves for therapeutic purposes. TENS by definition covers the complete range of transcutaneously applied currents used for nerve.

Generally TENS is applied at high frequency (>50 Hz) with an intensity below motor contraction (sensory intensity) or low frequency (<10 Hz) with an intensity that produces motor contraction. TENS is a non-invasive, low risk nerve stimulation intended to reduce pain, both acute and chronic. While controversy exists as to its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic pain, a number of systematic reviews or meta-analyses have confirmed its effectiveness for postoperative pain, osteoarthritis, and chronic musculoskeletal pain.

In palliative care and pain medicine, TENS units are used in an attempt to temporarily alleviate neuropathic pain (pain due to nervedamage). Some patients benefit from this approach, while others do not, depending on individual differences, and pain threshold. TENS is more effective at relieving chronic pain,


Ions are molecules that have gained or lost an electrical charge. They are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. You may have experienced the power of negative ions when you last set foot on the beach or walked beneath a waterfall. While part of the euphoria is simply being around these wondrous settings and away from the normal pressures of home and work, the air circulating in the mountains and the beach is said to contain tens of thousands of negative ions -- Much more than the average home or office building, which contain dozens or hundreds, and many register a flat zero.

"The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods," says ion researcher Michael Terman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York.
In fact, Columbia University studies of people with winter and chronic depression show that negative ion generators relieve depression as much as antidepressants. "The best part is that there are relatively no side effects, but we still need to figure out appropriate doses and which people it works best on," he says.
Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy," says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C.
"They also may protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, or have a throat irritation."
And one in three of us who are sensitive to their effects, negative ions can make us feel like we are walking on air. You are one of them if you feel instantly refreshed the moment you open a window and breathe in fresh, humid air.
Tourmanium ceramic as developed by Nuga Medical exposes 4 times more negative ions than Jade Stones; Jade Stones are widely regarded to expose high levels of negative ions to the body when in contact.


The effects of anions on the activation of the human body

Blood purification effect
The healthy blood is a weak alkaloid. Positive ions turn the blood into sick alkaloids. Anions neutralize the acidic blood into a weak alkaloid. This prevents geriatric diseases, cancer, and many allergies.

Stabilizes the mind
Anions stimulate the parasympathetic nerves to calm the soul and the mind and activate the endorphin hormone which amplifies happiness.
The beta-endorphin within the brain is nicknamed 'the happiness hormone' and functions to stabilize the mind. Thus gives the power to drive out diseases.

Controlling the autonomic nervous system
One person out of three will break down from stress and that is the hard reality of today. People suffer from insomnia, headaches, feeling of cold, climacterics, shoulder aches, lumbago and many other illnesses. These illnesses are said to be caused by positive ions. There is a problem in the nervous system. Anions work to restore balance in the nervous system (The nervous system takes over the control of organs and tissues within someone's body and there is the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous systems.)

Strengthens the immune system
The intestines and the liver are at the center of immunity. Modern men have weak intestines and liver. You can carry on a healthy life if you strengthen your intestines and liver. Change your life by making your intestines and your liver happy.

Strengthening your lungs
Many people are affected by colds or pneumonia these days. This can be explained by the presence of large amounts of positive ions in the lungs. This is often derived from the polluted air. The anions induce the discharge of carbon dioxide and increase the transfer of oxygen. You can recover from colds and pneumonia when your oxygen transfer increases.

Pain alleviation
On the cold and rainy days of low pressure, many people with arthritis complain of chronic rheumatic pain to the fingers, back, knees. This also can be explained from the air full of positive ions and with the introduction of negative ions to the body, the ions balance out inside your body easing the pain.

Activation of cells
The inside and outsides of a cell are full of ions, where positive ons are based around the outside and the anions on the inside. Both the positive and negative ions participate in the metabolism process. During this process, the positive ions replace the anions when a cell transfers from the suspension state to activation state. We call this state the depolarization and the anions lead this process.
Thus meaning, the process of cell activation is carried out by anions.


Infrared light is part of the sun's invisible spectrum. We can, however, feel this type of light, which we perceive as heat. Our sun produces most of its energy output in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Our atmosphere has a "window" in which it filters infrared rays ranging between 7 to 14 microns to safely reach the earth's surface.

Our bodies radiate infrared energy in the 3-50 micron range, where the output is at 9.4 microns. Our palms emit infrared energy at 8-14 microns. Palm healing is a 3000 years old tradition in China and is based on the healing properties of these natural infrared rays

One of the characteristics of the Far-Infrared Ray (FIR) is how easily this light is able to penetrate through human tissue. When this occurs a natural resonance is created, which has many beneficial properties.

Dr. Toshiko Yamazaki, M.D., author of "The Science of Far-Infrared Therapies" reports that one of the reasons FIR has such beneficial results in a variety of illnesses is its ability to remove toxins, which happen to be the core of many health problems. For example, when toxic gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide or toxic substances such as lead or mercury meet large water molecules, they are encapsulated by clusters of water in the body.

When these toxins accumulate, blood circulation is blocked and cellular energy is impaired. However, when a 7 to 14 micron FIR wave is applied, the water begins to vibrate breaking the ion bonds of the atoms held together by the water molecules. As the breakdown of the bond occurs the encapsulated gases and other toxic substances are released.

FIR therapy has been used for over thirty years to treat patients with various health problems and have exhibited positive results. These conditions include but are not limited to: TMJ, arthritis, high blood pressure, benign prostrate hypertrophy, high cholesterol, pain, hemorrhoids, cystitis, gastritis, asthma and bronchitis, sore throat, muscle tension, muscle spasms, adhesions on cold hands and feet, poor skin tone, acne, body odor, eczema and psoriasis.

FIR light therapy is considered to be harmless and can be found on the market today. Studies have shown that the patients have displayed minimal to almost no side effects and produced various positive results. It does so by reducing the sensitivity of the neural pathways of the nervous system, triggering the body to release endorphins, natural morphine-like substances known to block and reduce pain.


Your central nervous system is the centre which controls and coordinates your body.
Your spinal cord is located within the spinal canal. Your spinal cord extends throughout the whole length of the spine, and your nerves branch off from the spine to every muscle and organ of your body.

Good health, in terms of your Chiropractor, is when your nervous system is functioning properly and is free from any interference caused by subluxations


One of the main therapies used on the Nuga Best NM-5000 is the Ch'una Therapy.

Ch'una is a manipulation procedure in Oriental Medicine, which includes soft tissue and joint manual therapy in areas such as acu-points on skin, myo-fasical trigger points, spine and joints) to control the body's physiological and pathological conditions. It helps to ease muscles and gives immediate relaxation. Ch'una therapy itself has neither side effects nor toxicity compared to chemical treatments.
Manipulation has been used to help patients for centuries. Though no origin is noted, manual procedures are evident in ancient artworks dating back 4,000 years. Ancient Egyptian, Chinese, Korean Japanese and Tibetan records describe the use of manipulations to treat the body.
During the last several decades, increasing fundamental knowledge of medical science, based on natural science, contributed to the development of ch'una therapy. Old traditional ch'una therapy was a result of clinical experiences, but modern ch'una has been combined with modern natural scientific knowledges such as anatomy, physiology and pathology. Korean ch'una was developed by accepting good points of Chinese ch'una, American Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Japanese style manipulation thus improving them effectively.
Manual therapy largely consists of joint manipulation procedures and soft tissue manipulation procedures.
Joint manual procedure is again divided into three major parts which are adjustments, joint mobilisation, and manual traction/distraction. Firstly, ch'una adjustment is a specific form of articular manipulation using either long- or short-leverage techniques with specific contacts. It is characterised by a dynamic thrust of controlled velocity, amplitude, and direction. Secondly, joint mobilisation is a form of manipulation applied within the physiologic range of joint motion, and is characterised by non thrust passive joint manipulation. And lastly, manual traction/distraction therapy is a procedure to produce tractional or pulling force to induce traction or distraction of certain segments.
Soft tissue manipulation procedure, another classified manual therapy, is formed by four different fields which are massage, therapeutic muscle stretching, point pressure techniques, and visceral manipulation. Massage is the systematic therapy of friction, stroking, percussion, and kneading to the body. Therapeutic muscle stretching designed to stretch myofascial tissue, using the principles of post-isometric muscular relaxation and reciprocal inhibition. Point pressure technique is an application of sustained or progressively stronger digital pressure. It involves stationary contacts or small vibratory or circulatory movements. And lastly, visceral manipulation is a manual method for restoring mobility(movement of the viscera in response to voluntary movement or to movement of the diaphragm in respiration) or motility(inherent motion of the viscera themselves) of an organ, using specific, gentle forces.
Ch'una therapy is directed at two different types of problems: musculoskeletal and internal organic or systemic problems.

★ Examples of musculoskeletal problems are the following :

1. Acute or chronic soft tissue injuries such as sprain.
2. discogenic diseases; joint dysfunction such as joint restriction.
3. subluxation
4. facet joint syndrome; muscle related symptoms such as muscle spasm.
5. contracture
6. etc.


Massage therapy is widely known and go well beyond just simple enjoyment.

The benefits of a massage include: relaxation of the muscles and tendons, an increase in flexibility, reduces anxiety, reduces insomnia, balances the muscles, increases circulation and blood oxygenation, reduces pain, and many more.

Nuga Best automatically massages the muscles and tendons around the spine, relaxing the hardened nerve roots, relieving tension, and improving the flow of Chi.


Moxibustion, besides acupuncture, is an another important form of treatment in oriental medicine. As a well-known therapy within oriental medicine, moxibustion's purpose is to restore the circulation of energy and / or blood in the body.

Traditionally performed by the burning of special herbs (mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris) at certain acupuncture points and thus helps to re-energise the body.

These burnings can be done in different ways.
One of the ways is to place loose moxa herb in a moxabox and ignite it where the heat generated from the burning moxa is transferred to the large surface area of the box and onto the body.

The best way to use moxa is by burning it directly of the needle itself. The pressed moxa herb is put on the shaft of the inserted needle and ignited. The heat is transferred in a different way to the moxabox: rather than transferring via the outer-layer of skin, the heat is transferred in a narrow channel through the needle and
direct to the inner layers giving a very pleasant and effective method.

The nugabest's product components such as the jade ball and tourmanium ceramic implement the concept of moxibustions far infra-red heat transfer to stimulate the blood circulation and qi flow.


The Eastern principle of acupressure evolved from acupuncture, an ancient art estimated to be about 6,000 to 12,000 years old. It is one of the oldest and yet most commonly used medical procedures in the world.
It is based on the core principle that there is energy called Chi or Qi flowing through one's body and mind along pathways called Meridians.

When one's body is in balance, one is healthy.
The overall well being requires that the individual's energy and spirit to flow freely throughout the body and mind.
Theoretically, the blockage of Chi or Qi at any point may result in an illness.

In order to restore health, traditional Eastern practitioners insert thin needles into the skin along the meridians to unblock the energy flow by stimulating the nervous system.

Acupressure is based on the same theory, with the exception that no needles are used, only focused pressure is applied.
Eastern medical practitioners have mapped the human body with specific acupuncture points, many of which lie along and near the spine.
There are 365 acupuncture points comprising the 12 primary Meridian pathways, crucial for the well being of one's health. Nuga Best adopts the effect of acupuncture without the discomfort of inserting needles into the skin.

Instead, pressure is applied, along with a combination far-infrared light and heat therapy, which function in similar ways but have proven to have much more effective results than by acupuncture or acupressure alone.

★ Acupressure can help with the following:

1. Relieves stress and tension.
2. Relaxes the mind and body.
3. Increases blood oxygenation and circulation..
4. Aids in the removal of toxic wastes.
5. Provides relief from head, neck and shoulder aches.
6. Stimulates speedy healing of injuries.
7. Increases energy levels.
8. Increases overall feeling of psychological and physical well-being.
9. Decreases labour pains.